Unit 1B: Describing people using adjectives

In this unit we will learn to describe people and their personalities using adjectives.

Objectives: Describing people using adjectives

  • Talk about personality traits
  • Ask and tell what people are like
  • Use adjectives to describe people
  • Understand cultural perspectives in friendship


  • ¿Cómo soy yo?
  • ¿Cómo eres?
  • ¿Cómo es José?
  • Él es + adj
  • Él es un buen amigo.
  • Ella es una buena amiga.
  • muy
  • yo
  • él
  • ella
  • chico
  • chica
  • deportistad (neutral)
  • impaciente (neutral)
  • desordenado (masculino), desordenada (femenino)
  • artística (femenino), desordenado (masculino)
  • ordenada (femenino), ordenado (masculino)
  • inteligente (neutral)
  • estudiosa (femenino), estudioso (masculino)
  • trabajadora (femenino), trabajador (masculino)
  • graciosa (femenino), gracioso (masculino)
  • perezosa (femenino), perezoso (masculino)
  • atravido masculino), desordenada (femenino)
  • paciente (neutral)
  • impaciente (neutral)
  • reservado (masculino), desordenada (femenino)
  • simpático (masculino), desordenada (femenino)
  • talentoso (masculino), desordenada (femenino)
  • sociable (neutral)
  • serio (masculino), seria (femenino)
  • según mi familia
  • según mis maigos


Male, female and neutral adjectives

All adjectives must match the gender of the person they refer to. If talking about a guy, the -o ending is used.
If talking a about a woman, the -a ending is used. There are some neutral adjectives that do not have to be changed to match the gender, but most do have to be changed.

Plurals of adjectives:

Adjective ends in vowel + s
ordenado -> ordenados
graciosa -> graciosas
Adjective ends in consonant + es
trabajador -> trabajadores
Adjective ends in z, drop the z add a c and then + es
feliz-> felices

Word order: Placement of adjectives

Adjectives in Spanish go after the thing, or noun, that is being described.

He is an intelligent student.

Él es un estudiante inteligente.

The order of descrpve sentences in Spanish is: Subject + Verb [ser] +  Art + Noun or SVARN. Yes, that’s a made up word and I use it for my students to have an easy way to remember the order in which sentences are organized  in Spanish.


We will be learning the primary colors, the blends of primary colors, white, black, pink, grey, gold and silver.

Primary colors, colors that result from being mixed, black, white, grey, brown, pink and silver and gold

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